River and Station Name
The river and station name assigned by the appropriate measuring authority.
Station Description
Station descriptions are provided on the ‘Station info’ page and come in five parts:
Summary: provides a short summary of the station and any points which should be considered when using the data.
General: provides information on the station type, purpose, history and links to other stations.
Hydrometric: provides information on station limitations (e.g. in the high and low flow ranges), development of the rating, common issues (e.g. ice buildup or weed growth) and any relevant changes over time.
Flow Record: provides information on any known events in the record, known reasons for missing data and details of significant re-processing.
Flow Regime: provides information on the general characterization of the regime (e.g. flashy or baseflow-dominated) and any known artificial influences.
The descriptive material has been developed in collaboration with the principal measuring authorities. Reference to the Glossary should be made for an explanation of technical terms, abbreviations and acronyms used. The Station Descriptions are under continuing review – reflecting the availability of more information and changing hydrometric conditions at individual gauging stations.
Date Opened
The month and year in which the station started producing data (daily or peak), usually the first year for which data are held on the National River Flow Archive. Earlier data, often of a sporadic nature or of poorer quality, may occasionally be available from the measuring authorities or other sources.
Date Closed
The month and year in which the station stopped producing data, usually the last year for which data are held on the National River Flow Archive.