The National Hydrological Monitoring Programme team at the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology present updates on the current hydrological situation periodically, giving further insight, analysis and context to the UK's Hydrological Situation.

The team provide a snapshot of the current hydrological situation, bringing together various situation monitoring and forecasting tools. These include some major multi-agency initiatives, the Hydrological Summary (running since 1988) and Hydrological Outlook (since 2013) that have been developed alongside partners in the Met Office, British Geological Survey, and the measuring authorities who provide much of the underlying data (Environment Agency, Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Natural Resources Wales, Department for Infrastructure - Rivers).

Significant resources are invested in these systems to provide up-to-date information on the water resources situation – and its likely future evolution – for the UK as a whole.  This information is provided to a very wide range of users, including government agencies, regulators, the water industry, farmers, growers and range of other businesses, as well as the wider public and the media.