These reference volumes are indispensable handbooks for practising hydrologists and a wide community of other users of hydrometric data.

The latest edition includes maps, tables and statistics for over 1500 river basins and over 160 representative wells and boreholes throughout the UK. Its principal aims are to assist data users in the selection of monitoring sites for particular investigations, and to allow more effective interpretation of analyses based upon the raw data. Comprehensive summary statistics are given for each monitoring site together with concise gauging station and catchment descriptions for the featured flow measurement stations - particular emphasis is placed on hydrometric performance and on the net effect of artificial influences on the natural flow regime. 

Past editions are less comprehensive but provide summary hydrometric statistics alongside the corresponding long term averages, or extremes, to allow annual variability in surface and groundwater resources to be considered in a suitable historical context. 

Contact the NRFA to acquire hard copies of these volumes. Note: some editions are out of print. 

Hydrological data United Kingdom Hydrometric Register and Statistics 1981-5: a catalogue river flow gauging stations and observation boreholes together with summary hydrometric statisticsView PDF on NORA
Hydrological data United Kingdom Hydrometric Register and Statistics 1986-90: a catalogue river flow gauging stations and observation wells together with summary hydrometric statisticsView PDF on NORA
Hydrological data United Kingdom Hydrometric Register and Statistics 1991-95: a catalogue river flow gauging stations and observation boreholes together with summary hydrometric statisticsView PDF on NORA
Hydrological data United Kingdom Hydrometric Register and Statistics 1996-2000: a catalogue river flow gauging stations and observation boreholes together with summary hydrometric statisticsView PDF on NORA
UK hydrometric register. A catalogue of river flow gauging stations and observation wells and boreholes in the United Kingdom together with summary hydrometric and spatial statisticsView PDF on NORA
Hydrometric Register