The NRFA is delivered through close collaboration between data providers, the scientific research community, other data users and national government.
Operational partners
The NRFA is maintained in close partnerships with the operators of UK gauging stations, including the Environment Agency, Natural Resources Wales, Scottish Environment Protection Agency and for Northern Ireland, the Department for Infrastructure - Rivers.
UK Surface and Groundwater Archives (SAGA) Committee
The NRFA is mandated by the UK government (Defra) and the devolved administration of Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales to maintain a comprehensive archive of UK river flows and provide information on water resources nationally. The UK Surface and Groundwater Archives (SAGA) Committee was set up in 1982 following the transfer of the national surface and groundwater archive to the Institute of Hydrology (now the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology) and British Geological Survey. The liaison committee provides a forum for discussion between stakeholders in UK hydrometric monitoring and helps impart a strategic overview of the activities of the National River Flow Archive (NRFA) and National Groundwater Level Archive (NGLA). The Committee comprises representative of national administrations, hydrometric Measuring Authorities, the Met Office, the water industry and professional societies.
View the UK Surface and Groundwater Archives (SAGA) Committee Terms of Reference.
Current organisations represented on the UK Surface and Groundwater Archives (SAGA) Committee: