In addition to material published directly by the NRFA, the archive produces a range of articles in the scientific literature. These are published to disseminate the results of research conducted by NRFA staff, in collating, managing and analysing the extensive data holdings of the NRFA. Many are authored in collaboration with other researchers from CEH, and sometimes external organisations, and some are produced as the output of specific research projects funded by external organisations. The following bibliography provides a list of selected Journal papers, reports and presentations published by NRFA staff on topics directly related to the archive.

Hydrometric data management

Barker, L. J., Fry, M., Hannaford, J., Nash, G., Tanguy, M., & Swain, O. (2022). Dynamic high resolution hydrological status monitoring in real-time: the UK water resources portal. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10, 752201.

Muchan, Katie; Dixon, Harry. 2014 Ensuring hydrometric data are fit-for-purpose through a national Service Level Agreement. In: Daniell, Trevor M., (ed.) Hydrology in a changing world: environmental and human dimensions. Wallingford, UK, International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 323-329. (IAHS Publication, 363).

Dixon, Harry; Rodda, John; Jenkins, Alan; Demuth, Siegfried; Looser, Ulrich. 2013 Sharing water observations: turning local data into global information. In: Griffiths, Jacqui; Lambert, Rebecca, (eds.) Free flow: reaching water security through cooperation. Paris, UNESCO, 304-307.

Dixon, Harry; Hannaford, Jamie; Fry, Matthew J.. 2013 The effective management of national hydrometric data: experiences from the United Kingdom. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (7). 1383-1399. 10.1080/02626667.2013.787486

Harvey, Catherine L.; Dixon, Harry; Hannaford, Jamie. 2012 An appraisal of the performance of data-infilling methods for application to daily mean river flow records in the UK. Hydrology Research, 43 (5). 618-636. 10.2166/nh.2012.110

Harvey, Catherine L.; Dixon, Harry; Hannaford, Jamie. 2010 Developing best practice for infilling daily river flow data. In: Kirby, Celia, (ed.) Role of Hydrology in Managing Consequences of a Changing Global Environment. Proceeding of the BHS Third International Symposium. British Hydrological Society, 816-823.

Fry, M.J.; Swain, O.. 2010 Hydrological data management systems within a national river flow archive. In: Kirby, Celia, (ed.) Role of Hydrology in Managing Consequences of a Changing Global Environment. Proceedings of the BHS Third International Symposium. British Hydrological Society, 808-815, 8pp.

Dixon, Harry. 2010 Managing national hydrometric data: from data to information. In: Servat, Eric; Demuth, Siegfried; Dezetter, Alain; Daniell, Trevor, (eds.) Global Change: Facing Risks and Threats to Water Resources. Wallingford, UK, IAHS Press, 451-458. (IAHS Publication, 340).

Fry, Matthew. 2010 Hydrological Data Rescue – the current state of affairs. In: Servat, Eric; Demuth, Siegfried; Dezetter, Alain; Daniell, Trevor, (eds.) Global Change: Facing Risks and Threats to Water Resources. IAHS, 459-464. (IAHS Publ, 340).

Hannah, D.M., Demuth, S., van Lanen, H.A.J., Looser, U., Prudhomme, C., Rees, G., Stahl, K. & Tallaksen, L.M. 2010. Large-scale river flow archives: importance, current status and future needs. In press, Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7794.

Rees, Gwyn. 2008 Hydrological Data. In: Gustard, Alan; Demuth, Siegfried, (eds.) Manual on Low-flow Estimation and Prediction. Geneva, Switzerland, World Meteorological Organization, 22-35, 136pp. (Operational Hydrology Report No. 50, WMO-No. 1029).

Fry, Matthew; Farquharson, Francis. 2008 Data storage, access and dissemination. In: Guide to Hydrological Practices. World Meteorological Organisation, 27pp.

Marsh, T.J. 2002. Capitalising on river flow data to meet changing national needs – a UK perspective. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 13, 291 – 298.

Review of monitoring networks

Hannaford, J.; Holmes, M.G.R.; Laize, C.L.R.; Marsh, T.J.; Young, A.R.. 2013 Evaluating hydrometric networks for prediction in ungauged basins: a new methodology and its application to England and Wales. Hydrology Research, 44 (3). 401-418. 10.2166/nh.2012.115

Laize, C. L. R.; Marsh, T. J.; Morris, D. G.. 2008 Catchment descriptors to optimise hydrometric networks. Proceedings of ICE, Water Management, 161 (3). 117-125. 10.1680/wama.2008.161.3.117

Laize, Cedric; Marsh, Terry. 2006 The use of spatial information to improve hydrometric network design and evaluation. In: Demuth, S., et al, (ed.) Climate Variability and Change—Hydrological Impacts. Wallingford, UK, IAHS, 56-61. (IAHS Publication, 308).

Laize, C. L. R.. 2004 Integration of spatial datasets to support the review of hydrometric networks and the identification of representative catchments. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 8 (6). 1103-1117.

Benchmark monitoring networks and river flow trends

Hannaford, Jamie; Mastrantonas, Nikos, Vesuviano, Gianni; Turner, Stephen. 2021. An updated national-scale assessment of trends in UK peak river flow data: how robust are observed increases in flooding? Hydrology Research. In press. DOI: 10.2166/nh.2021.156

Harrigan, Shaun; Hannaford, Jamie; Muchan, Katie; Marsh, Terry. 2018. Designation and trend analysis of the updated UK Benchmark Network of river flow stations: the UKBN2 dataset. Hydrology Research, 49 (2). 552-567; DOI: 10.2166/nh.2017.058.

Whitfield, Paul H.; Burn, Donald H.; Hannaford, Jamie; Higgins, Hélène; Hodgkins, Glenn A.; Marsh, Terry; Looser, Ulrich. 2012 Reference hydrologic networks I: the status and potential future directions of national reference hydrologic networks for detecting trends. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (8). 1562-1579. 10.1080/02626667.2012.728706

Burn, Donald H.; Hannaford, Jamie; Hodgkins, Glenn A.; Whitfield, Paul H.; Thorne, Robin; Marsh, Terry. 2012 Reference hydrologic networks II: using reference hydrologic networks to assess climate-driven changes in streamflow. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (8). 1580-1593. 10.1080/02626667.2012.728705

Bradford, R.B. & Marsh T.J. 2003. Defining a network of benchmark catchments for the UK. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Water and Maritime Engineering, 156, 109 – 216.

Estimation of national runoff

Littlewood, I.G. & Marsh, T.J. 2005. Freshwater annual river mass loads from Great Britain, 1975 to 1994: estimation algorithm, database and monitoring network issues. Journal of Hydrology, 305, 221 – 237.

Long hydrometric records

Bayliss, A., Norris, J. & Marsh, T.J. 2004. The Wendover Springs record: An insight into the past and a benchmark for the future. Weather, 59 (10), 267 – 271.

Limbrick, K.J., Willows, J. & Marsh, T.J. 2002. Springflow variability since 1858 in south Dorset. Weather, 57, 413 – 421.