The NRFA operates a dedicated data retrieval and enquiries service, giving users access to a wide range of the archive data holdings. Where time series of river flow data are not available for download directly from the website they can be requested from the enquiries service. The service is also able to provide advice on data holdings and guidance on users' needs. Contact details for the NRFA.

Before finalising a data request it is recommended that the relevant webpages and/or entries in the UK Hydrometric Register be consulted – the Station Descriptions in particular – to provide guidance on the suitability of the river flow data for particular applications.

We aim to respond to requests within five working days.

Requests for data should include:

  • Contact Name
  • Affiliation or Company (where appropriate)
  • Email or postal address to which the output should be directed
  • A daytime telephone number (where possible)
  • Details of the required data including (for river flow and rainfall data):
    • The variable required. See here for more information
    • The sites or areas for which data are required - An individual gauging station or a range of stations should be specified using the Gauging Station ID Number.
    • The period of record of interest - The full period of record or selected years should be specified.

View details of data types and formats.

Physical records archives

The NRFA maintains a physical archive of material related to the UK hydrometric network and other related hydrological subjects. Material held in the archive is available to view on request.