If you are a user of water quantity data (e.g. river flow, groundwater level, precipitation, etc.), we would like to hear from you. As part of the Defra-led Natural Capital and Ecosystem Assessment (NCEA) Programme, the Environment Agency (EA) and UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH) are surveying the users of water quantity data to understand their current data requirements, how well these are currently being met, and how they might change over the next 25 years in the context of climate change adaptation, and a range of other drivers.

Your responses will help to identify priorities for improvement, and will inform the design of future monitoring networks. The survey will take no longer than 40 minutes to complete, but can be saved and returned to before completion.

We would like to ensure that the wide-range of customers of water quantity data are well represented, so we encourage you to have your say and feel free to share the link with others!

Please follow the link to the survey!