The National River Flow Archive has released an expanded data download facility which allows users to download data from all the gauging stations held on the national archive. Previously, only data for around 400 gauging stations were accessible for direct download from the NRFA website, with the remaining 1,100 or so requiring users to contact the NRFA by telephone or email to retrieve information and data.

The full station data release means river flow records for around 1,500 gauging stations totalling 59,000 years' of daily data, are now available to download directly from the NRFA website.

To access the data, users need to click ‘Download flow data' on the ‘Daily Flow Data' tab of each station page (e.g. 27009 - Ouse at Skelton). To help us better understand how NRFA data is being used and inform the development of new NRFA services, users requesting data downloads are asked to complete a short form.

More information.