NRFA staff members Jamie Hannaford, Katie Muchan and Stephen Turner attended Flood & Coast 2018 at the Telford International Centre on the 20th-22nd March 2018. Convened by the Environment Agency, the event drew together key stakeholders from the flood and coastal erosion risk management (FCRM) community, including local authorities, infrastructure owners, consultancies, contractors, businesses, community groups and universities.
Jamie Hannaford presented on the need to bridge the gap between the models and the observations for flood risk in a changing world. There was also the opportunity to attend talks at the conference including Nick Everard's (Environment Agency) about innovation in flood measurement techniques, and Duncan Faulkner's (JBA Consulting) on whether the past in a reliable guide to the future in regards to flood risk management.
The Centre for Ecology & Hydrology were also exhibiting at the event, talking to delegates about all aspects of our flooding research activities, in particular the underpinning data for flood estimation activities. Delegates were interested to hear about the NRFA as a source of river flow data for the UK and the ability to access our peak flow data holdings for use with the Flood Estimation Handbook techniques.
More information can be found on the Flood & Coast website.