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NRFA staff carried out a three-day visit to South East Scotland in May to undertake a Hydrometric Data Audit (HDA) in the region. The NRFA HDA Programme is a collaborative venture between the NRFA and the UK hydrometric Measuring Authorities (MAs). The objective is to maximise the utility of nationally archived hydrometric data and, over time, enhance the strategic capability of the UK gauging station network. The visit consisted of a one day meeting with SEPA to discuss current issues with data and networks in the region. This was followed by two days of gauging stations visits, the group visited 18 stations around Edinburgh and in the Tweed catchment. Such visits allow the NRFA’s Regional Representatives to update their knowledge of current equipment, processes and problems at each site, giving them a better understanding of how the data are measured. This information informs the quality control of data submitted to the archive and allows metadata updates to inform the user community of new and emerging issues which should be considered when analysing NRFA data.