The individual station pages on the NRFA website have been updated to include an ‘Other flow datasets' tab for the eFLaG, Historic Droughts and the MaRIUS modelled datasets, available for a subset of gauging stations on the NRFA.

With the development of the eFLaG, Historic Droughts and the MaRIUS modelled datasets, the NRFA website has undergone an update to make users aware of which other datasets are available for the station they are accessing. The ‘Other flow datasets' tab provides a brief summary of the datasets available, as well as a link to the data within the EIDC, and portals to aid interactive exploration of the datasets.

Adding this feature to the station pages on the NRFA website enables users to access the current observed river flow data from the NRFA, as well as reconstructed modelled and future modelled data. Hence, it provides easier access to retrieve additional data for the required gauging station.

View an example, using the 16001 - Earn at Kinkell Bridge gauging station

Other flow datasets tab screenshot for station 16001