Publications Using NRFA Data

Abesser, C., P. Shand, et al. (2008). The role of alluvial valley deposits in groundwater–surface water exchange in a Chalk river,
Abesser, C. and P. Smedley (2008). Baseline groundwater chemistry of aquifers in England and Wales: the Carboniferous Limestone aquifer of the Derbyshire Dome,
Abrahart, R., A. Heppenstall, et al. (2007). "Timing error correction procedure applied to neural network rainfall—runoff modelling." Hydrological sciences ….
Acreman, M., J. Blake, et al. (2011). Guidance on using wetland sensitivity to climate change tool-kit. A contribution to the Wetland Vision Partnership,
Acreman, M., M. Dunbar, et al. (2006). Development of environmental standards (water resources). Stage 3: Environmental standards. Final report,
Adams, J., E. Tipping, et al. (2015). "Aged riverine particulate organic carbon in four UK catchments." Science of the Total ….
Agedah, E., H. Binalaiyifa, et al. (2009). "Sources, turnover and bioavailability of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) in the Colne estuary, UK." Marine Ecology Progress ….
Allard, W. (1937). Calibration of Teddington Weir.
Anderson, D. (2011). Mini-project summary report Efficiency of Micro Hydro Power,
Andrews, J., N. Beaumont, et al. (2005). "Integrated assessment for catchment and coastal zone management: the case of the Humber." Managing European ….
Angeloudis, A., R. Ahmadian, et al. (2016). Numerical model simulations for optimisation of tidal lagoon schemes, Elsevier.
Angermann, L., S. Krause, et al. (2012). Application of heat pulse injections for investigating shallow hyporheic flow in a lowland river, Wiley Online Library.
Archer, D., G. Parkin, et al. (2016). "Assessing long term flash flooding frequency using historical information." Hydrology Research.
Arnell, N. (2011). "Uncertainty in the relationship between climate forcing and hydrological response in UK catchments." Hydrology and Earth System Sciences.
Arnell, N., M. Charlton, et al. (2014). "The effect of climate policy on the impacts of climate change on river flows in the UK." Journal of Hydrology.
Ascott, M., D. Lapworth, et al. (2016). "Impacts of extreme flooding on riverbank filtration water quality." Science of the Total ….
Augustin, N., L. Beevers, et al. (2008). Predicting river flows for future climates using an autoregressive multinomial logit model, Wiley Online Library.
Ault, L., P. Henni, et al. (2011). Information management focus and operations: delivery plan 2010-2011 and beyond,
Babtie, J. River Enrick Hydrological Assessment-Hysim rainfall-runoff modelling.
Babu, M. Forecasting and control of future values on Spatial-Temporal prediction.
Bachmair, S., C. Svensson, et al. (2015). "A quantitative analysis to objectively appraise drought indicators and model drought impacts." Hydrology and Earth ….
Baker, A., S. Cumberland, et al. (2008). "Dissolved and total organic and inorganic carbon in some British rivers." Area.
Ball, T., K. Reilly, et al. Hillslope hydrological processes and runoff generation at the Borthwick Water natural flood management site, Scottish Borders.
Ball, U. A. (2009). Scientific Data Application Profile Scoping Study Report,
Ballantine, D., D. Walling, et al. (2006). "Phosphorus storage in fine channel bed sediments." Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: ….
Ballantine, D., D. Walling, et al. (2008). "The phosphorus content of fluvial suspended sediment in three lowland groundwater-dominated catchments." Journal of hydrology.
Ballantine, D., D. Walling, et al. (2009). "The content and storage of phosphorus in fine-grained channel bed sediment in contrasting lowland agricultural catchments in the UK." Geoderma.
Bamberger, A. (2008). Research into the early life history of Atlantic salmon with focus on practical implications for conservation and stock enhancement,
Bank, A., A. Loss, et al. (2003). "LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS." Integrated Technologies ….
Barber, N. (2014). Sediment, nutrient and runoff management and mitigation in rural catchments,
Bárdossy, A. and S. Singh (2011). "Regionalization of hydrological model parameters using data depth." Hydrology Research.
Barker, L., J. Hannaford, et al. (2015). "From meteorological to hydrological drought using standardised indicators." Hydrology and Earth ….
Barker, L., J. Hannaford, et al. (2016). Briefing note. Severity of the December 2015 floods-preliminary analysis,
Barker, L., J. Hannaford, et al. (2015). "A preliminary assessment of meteorological and hydrological drought indicators for application to catchments across the UK." Drought: Research and ….
Barker, L., S. Parry, et al. (2016). Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: January 2016,
Bayliss, A., K. Black, et al. (2006). The use of LCM2000 to provide improved definition of the FEH catchment descriptor URBEXT in Northern Ireland: Stage 2-Calculation and dissemination of …,
Bayliss, A., J. Norris, et al. (2004). "The Wendover Springs record: An insight into the past and a benchmark for the future." Weather.
Bayliss, A. and D. Reed (2001). The use of historical data in flood frequency estimation,
Beevers, L. (2003). Morphological sustainability of barrage impoundments,
Beevers, L. and G. Pender (2008). Assessing the sustainability of estuarine barrages.
Bell, V., A. Kay, et al. (2016). "An assessment of the possible impacts of climate change on snow and peak river flows across Britain." Climatic Change.
Bell, V., A. Kay, et al. (2007). "Development of a high resolution grid-based river flow model for use with regional climate model output." Hydrology and Earth ….
Bell, V., A. Kay, et al. (2007). "Use of a grid‐based hydrological model and regional climate model outputs to assess changing flood risk." International Journal of ….
Bell, V., A. Kay, et al. (2009). "Use of soil data in a grid-based hydrological model to estimate spatial variation in changing flood risk across the UK." Journal of Hydrology.
Beran, M. and N. Arnell (1989). Effect of climatic change on quantitative aspects of United Kingdom water resources,
Beven, K. "Appendix A: Web Resources for Software and Data." Rainfall-Runoff Modelling: The Primer, Second Edition.
Bhushan, R. (2008). Challenges in Multiobjective Identification and Evaluation of Watershed Models for Ungauged Basins,
Bieroza, M., A. Baker, et al. (2014). "Stable isotopic composition of raw and treated water." Proceedings of the ….
Billett, M., M. Garnett, et al. (2007). UK peatland streams release old carbon dioxide to the atmosphere and young dissolved organic carbon to rivers, Wiley Online Library.
Binding, C. and D. Bowers (2003). "Measuring the salinity of the Clyde Sea from remotely sensed ocean colour." Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.
Birkel, C., C. Soulsby, et al. (2014). "Assessing the cumulative impacts of hydropower regulation on the flow characteristics of a large Atlantic salmon river system." River Research and ….
Black, A. and J. Anderson (1994). The great Tay flood of January 1993, Institute of Hydrology Wallingford, ….
Black, A., O. Bragg, et al. (2000). Methods of assessing anthropogenic impacts on the hydrology of rivers and lochs,
Black, A. and F. Law (2004). "Development and utilization of a national web-based chronology of hydrological events/Développement et utilisation sur internet d'une chronologie nationale d' …." Hydrological Sciences Journal.
Black, A., M. Lees, et al. (1995). A review of the Northern Ireland hydrometric network. Report to the Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland Environment Service,
Blackwell, N. and W. Perkins Etifeddiaeth cloddio am lo ym maes glo de Cymru: llygredd dwˆr ac opsiynau i'w leihau.
Blake, J. and R. Ragab (2014). Drought Risk and You (DRY): case study catchments–physical characteristics and functioning,
Bloomfield, J., D. Allen, et al. (2009). "Examining geological controls on baseflow index (BFI) using regression analysis: An illustration from the Thames Basin, UK." Journal of Hydrology.
Bloomfield, J. and B. Marchant (2013). "Analysis of groundwater drought building on the standardised precipitation index approach." Hydrology and Earth System Sciences.
Bloomfield, J. and B. Marchant (2013). "Analysis of groundwater drought using a variant of the Standardised Precipitation Index." Hydrology and Earth System Sciences ….
Bodo, B. Monthly Discharge Data for World (excluding former Soviet Union) Rivers derived from submissions to UNESCO and other sources.
Bodo, B. (2001). Monthly discharge data for world rivers (excluding former Soviet Union),
Booij, M., D. Deckers, et al. (2007). Regionalization for uncertainty reduction in flows in ungauged basins,
Borges, A., K. Ruddick, et al. (2010). Estimating pCO2 from remote sensing in the Belgian coastal zone,
Borgomeo, E., C. Farmer, et al. (2015). "Numerical rivers: A synthetic streamflow generator for water resources vulnerability assessments." Water Resources Research.
Borgomeo, E., J. Hall, et al. (2014). Risk‐based water resources planning: Incorporating probabilistic nonstationary climate uncertainties, Wiley Online Library.
Borgomeo, E., M. Mortazavi‐Naeini, et al. (2016). "Trading‐off tolerable risk with climate change adaptation costs in water supply systems." Water Resources ….
Borgomeo, E., G. Pflug, et al. (2015). Assessing water resource system vulnerability to unprecedented hydrological drought using copulas to characterize drought duration and deficit, Wiley Online Library.
Bower, D., D. Hannah, et al. (2004). "Techniques for assessing the climatic sensitivity of river flow regimes." Hydrological processes.
Bowes, M., E. Gozzard, et al. (2012). "Spatial and temporal changes in chlorophyll-a concentrations in the River Thames basin, UK: are phosphorus concentrations beginning to limit phytoplankton …." Science of the Total ….
Bowes, M., H. Jarvie, et al. (2015). "Characterising phosphorus and nitrate inputs to a rural river using high-frequency concentration–flow relationships." Science of the Total ….
Bowes, M., H. Jarvie, et al. (2014). "Identifying priorities for nutrient mitigation using river concentration–flow relationships: The Thames basin, UK." Journal of ….
Bowes, M., E. Palmer-Felgate, et al. (2012). "High-frequency phosphorus monitoring of the River Kennet, UK: are ecological problems due to intermittent sewage treatment works failures?" Journal of ….
Bowes, M., J. Smith, et al. (2011). "Changes in water quality of the River Frome (UK) from 1965 to 2009: Is phosphorus mitigation finally working?" Science of the Total ….
Boyes, S. and M. Elliott (2006). "Organic matter and nutrient inputs to the Humber Estuary, England." Marine Pollution Bulletin.
Boyle, J., R. Chiverrell, et al. (2015). "An approach to modelling the impact of prehistoric farming on Holocene landscape phosphorus dynamics." The Holocene.
Boyle, J., C. Sayer, et al. (2016). "Toxic metal enrichment and boating intensity: sediment records of antifoulant copper in shallow lakes of eastern England." Journal of ….
Bradford, R. (2002). "Controls on the discharge of Chalk streams of the Berkshire Downs, UK." Science of the total environment.
Bradford, R. (2002). "Volume-duration growth curves for flood estimation in permeable catchments." Hydrology and Earth System Sciences ….
Bricker, S., A. Barron, et al. (2014). "From geological complexity to hydrogeological understanding using an integrated 3D conceptual modelling approach–insights from the Cotswolds, UK." Fractured Rock ….
Britton, J., G. Davies, et al. (2013). "Spatial variation in the somatic growth rates of European barbel Barbus barbus: a UK perspective." Ecology of Freshwater Fish.
Brookes, A. (2001). "Peter Morris, Jeremy Biggs and." Methods of Environmental Impact Assessment.
Brown, J., L. Amoudry, et al. (2015). "Fate and pathways of dredged estuarine sediment spoil in response to variable sediment size and baroclinic coastal circulation." Journal of environmental ….
Brown, J., R. Bolaños, et al. (2014). "Process contribution to the time-varying residual circulation in tidally dominated estuarine environments." Estuaries and Coasts.
Brownlie, W. (2014). Assessing the role of domestic phosphorus emissions in the human phosphorus footprint,
Bryant, S., N. Arnell, et al. (1994). "The 1988–92 drought in its historical perspective." Water and Environment ….
Brye, B. d., A. d. Brauwere, et al. (2010). "A finite-element, multi-scale model of the Scheldt tributaries, river, estuary and ROFI." Coastal ….
Burningham, H. and J. French (2006). "Morphodynamic behaviour of a mixed sand–gravel ebb-tidal delta: Deben estuary, Suffolk, UK." Marine Geology.
BURT, T. (2013). The Silent River: The Hydrological,
Burt, T., J. Adamson, et al. (1998). "Long-term rainfall and streamflow records for north central England: putting the Environmental Change Network site at Moor House, Upper Teesdale, in context." Hydrological Sciences Journal.
Burt, T. and N. Howden (2013). North Atlantic Oscillation amplifies orographic precipitation and river flow in upland Britain, Wiley Online Library.
Burt, T., N. Howden, et al. (2010). "Nitrate in United Kingdom Rivers: Policy and Its Outcomes Since 1970†." … science & technology.
Burt, T., N. Howden, et al. (2011). On the value of long-term, low-frequency water quality sampling: avoiding throwing the baby out with the bathwater,
Burt, T., N. Howden, et al. (2008). Importance of long-term monitoring for detecting environmental change: lessons from a lowland river in south east England,
Burt, T., P. Jones, et al. (2015). "An analysis of rainfall across the British Isles in the 1870s." International Journal of ….
Byers, E., J. Hall, et al. (2016). "Water and climate risks to power generation with carbon capture and storage." Environmental ….
Byers, E., M. Qadrdan, et al. (2015). Cooling water for Britain's future electricity supply,
Calver, A., E. Stewart, et al. (2009). "Comparative analysis of statistical and catchment modelling approaches to river flood frequency estimation." Journal of flood risk ….
Campos, C., J. Avant, et al. (2015). "Fate of Human Noroviruses in Shellfish and Water Impacted by Frequent Sewage Pollution Events." … science & technology.
Cannell, M., T. Brown, et al. (2004). Review of UK climate change indicators,
Cartwright, I., B. Gilfedder, et al. (2013). "Chloride imbalance in a catchment undergoing hydrological change: Upper Barwon River, southeast Australia." Applied geochemistry.
Cartwright, I., B. Gilfedder, et al. (2013). "Transient hydrological conditions implied by chloride mass balance in southeast Australian rivers." Chemical Geology.
Cashman, M. (2014). The effect of large wood on river physical habitat and nutritional dynamics,
Chappell, N., M. Sherlock, et al. (2007). "Runoff processes in Southeast Asia: role of soil, regolith, and rock type." Forest Environments in ….
Charlton, R. (2007). Fundamentals of fluvial geomorphology,
Chiverrell, R., G. Foster, et al. (2009). "Coupling relationships: Hillslope–fluvial linkages in the Hodder catchment, NW England." Geomorphology.
Chiverton, A. (2015). The influence of catchment characteristics on river flow variability,
Chiverton, A., J. Hannaford, et al. (2015). Which catchment characteristics control the temporal dependence structure of daily river flows?, Wiley Online Library.
Chiverton, A., J. Hannaford, et al. (2015). Using variograms to detect and attribute hydrological change,
Chocholek, M. (2013). The impacts of climate change on estuarine ecosystems: a case study on the Eden estuary, Fife, Scotland, ….
Christierson, B., J. Vidal, et al. (2012). "Using UKCP09 probabilistic climate information for UK water resource planning." Journal of Hydrology.
Chun, K., H. Wheater, et al. (2009). "Streamflow estimation for six UK catchments under future climate scenarios." Hydrology Research.
Chun, K., H. Wheater, et al. (2013). "Comparison of drought projections using two UK weather generators." Hydrological Sciences Journal.
Cisowska, I. and M. Hutchins (2016). "The effect of weirs on nutrient concentrations." Science of the Total Environment.
Clark, C. (2002). "Measured and estimated evaporation and soil moisture deficit for growers and the water industry." Meteorological Applications.
Clarke, S. (2000). Sediment-macrophyte relationships in lowland English rivers: using macrophytes for biological assessment,
Clarke, S., G. Wharton, et al. (2006). "Spatial and Temporal Variations in the Sediment Habitat of Ranunculus spp. in Lowland Chalk Streams–Implications for Ecological Status?" Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus.
Clews, E., I. Durance, et al. (2010). "Juvenile salmonid populations in a temperate river system track synoptic trends in climate." Global Change ….
Clutterbuck, B. and A. Yallop (2010). "Land management as a factor controlling dissolved organic carbon release from upland peat soils 2: Changes in DOC productivity over four decades." Science of the Total Environment.
Cole, G. and T. Marsh (2006). An historical analysis of drought in England and Wales,
Cole, S., P. Howard, et al. (2009). Hydrological modelling for the Rivers Lavant and Ems. Commissioned report to the Environment Agency,
Coxon, G., J. Freer, et al. (2014). "Diagnostic evaluation of multiple hypotheses of hydrological behaviour in a limits‐of‐acceptability framework for 24 UK catchments." Hydrological ….
Croke, B., I. Littlewood, et al. (2006). Rainfall-streamflow-air temperature datasets (and catchment information) available internationally to assist with PUB Decade top-down modelling, Citeseer.
Crook, N., H. Musgrave, et al. (2006). "Geophysical Characterisation of the Riparian Zone in Groundwater Fed Catchments." … on the Application of Geophysics to ….
Crooks, S. and A. Kay (2015). Simulation of river flow in the Thames over 120 years: Evidence of change in rainfall-runoff response?, Elsevier.
Crooks, S., A. Kay, et al. (2014). From catchment to national scale rainfall-runoff modelling: demonstration of a hydrological modelling framework,
Crooks, S. and P. Naden (2007). "CLASSIC: a semi-distributed rainfall-runoff modelling system." Hydrology and Earth System ….
Cross, I., S. McGowan, et al. (2014). "The effects of hydrological extremes on former gravel pit lake ecology: management implications." … Limnology/Archiv für ….
Cumberland, A. and N. Hudson "Dissolved and total organic and inorganic carbon in some British rivers." JSTOR.
D, H. L. Alimentari e Ambientali; XXIII ciclo.
Dahlstedt, K. and H. Jensen (2005). "Fluctuation spectrum and size scaling of river flow and level." Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its ….
Darch, G. (2010). Climate change and future flooding in the UK,
Dawson, C., L. See, et al. (2006). "Symbiotic adaptive neuro-evolution applied to rainfall–runoff modelling in northern England." Neural Networks.
Deckers, D. (2006). Predicting discharge at ungauged catchments: parameter estimation through the method of regionalisation,
Deckers, D., M. Booij, et al. (2010). "Catchment variability and parameter estimation in multi-objective regionalisation of a rainfall–runoff model." Water resources ….
Defra, J. Regionalised Impacts of Climate Change on Flood Flows.
Defra, J. Regionalised Impacts of Climate Change on Flood Flows: Hydrological Models, Catchments and.
Defra, J. and E. Flood Improving Data and Knowledge Management for Effective Integrated FCERM.
Demars, B. and A. Edwards (2007). "A seasonal survey of surface water habitats within the River Spey basin, Scotland: major nutrient properties." Aquatic Conservation: Marine and ….
Demars, B., J. Kemp, et al. (2012). "Linking biotopes to invertebrates in rivers: biological traits, taxonomic composition and diversity." Ecological ….
Demars, B., G. Wiegleb, et al. (2014). Aquatic plant dynamics in lowland river networks: connectivity, management and climate change,
Dent, J. (2012). An examination of trends and variations of temperature and rainfall in East Anglia since 1910, Wiley Online Library.
Dixon, H. (2010). Managing national hydrometric data: from data to information,
Dixon, H. (2011). Maximising the utility of hydrometric information for the user community: a national perspective,
Dixon, H. (2014). The United Kingdom's National River Flow Archive,
Dixon, H., J. Hannaford, et al. (2013). "The effective management of national hydrometric data: experiences from the United Kingdom." Hydrological Sciences Journal.
Dixon, H., J. Hannaford, et al. (2014). National peak flow data-what next?,
Dixon, H. and A. Jenkins (2014). United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland national report on IHP related activities, 21st session of the IHP Intergovernmental Council, Paris, June 2014,
Dixon, H. and A. Jenkins (2015). Future Ganga: science needs for water security: report of scientific workshop, 2-4 December 2015, New Delhi, India,
Dixon, H., F. Kral, et al. (2013). Gauging stations in the United Kingdom: distribution of gauging stations with flow records on the National River Flow Archive,
Dixon, H., D. Lawler, et al. (2006). Streamflow trends in western Britain, Wiley Online Library.
Domenico, M. D. and V. Latora (2011). "Scaling and universality in river flow dynamics." EPL (Europhysics Letters).
Driscoll, H. (2008). Micro-hydro power in Dorset: A re-assessment of potential installed capacity,
Dunbar, M., C. Elliott, et al. (1996). Ecologically acceptable flows phase II volume 1: habitat time series analysis,
Dunbar, M., M. Pedersen, et al. (2010). "River discharge and local‐scale physical habitat influence macroinvertebrate LIFE scores." Freshwater ….
Dunbar, M., M. Warren, et al. (2010). "Interaction between macroinvertebrates, discharge and physical habitat in upland rivers." Aquatic ….
Dunbar, M., A. Young, et al. (2006). Distinguishing the relative importance of environmental data underpinning flow pressure assessment (DRIED-UP),
Duncan, N. (2014). Mapping Scotland's hydropower resource,
Dunham, M., N. Ayewah, et al. (2005). Spatiotemporal Prediction using Data Mining Tools,
Dunham, M., Y. Meng, et al. (2004). "Extensible markov model." Data Mining, 2004. ICDM'04. ….
Dunn, S., J. Sample, et al. (2014). "Recent trends in water quality in an agricultural catchment in Eastern Scotland: elucidating the roles of hydrology and land use." … Science: Processes & ….
Durant, M. (2015). Description of groundwater droughts in the UK: 1890 to 2015,
Earl, T., G. Upton, et al. (2014). UK catchment nutrient loads 1993–2003, a new approach using harmonised monitoring scheme data: temporal changes, geographical distribution, limiting …,
Earla, T., G. Uptonb, et al. Catchment nutrient loads: temporal changes and geographical distribution in UK river systems, and loads to coastal waters 1993-2003.
Eastoe, E. and J. Tawn (2010). Statistical models for overdispersion in the frequency of peaks over threshold data for a flow series, Wiley Online Library.
Eastoe, E. and J. Tawn (2012). "Modelling the distribution of the cluster maxima of exceedances of subasymptotic thresholds." Biometrika.
Eckhardt, K. (2008). "A comparison of baseflow indices, which were calculated with seven different baseflow separation methods." Journal of Hydrology.
Ellis, T., A. Scott, et al. (2011). Accuracy of methods of sex steroid determination,
Emmett, B., M. Abdalla, et al. (2014). Glastir Monitoring & Evaluation Programme. First year annual report,
Evans, D., P. Johnes, et al. (2004). "Physico-chemical controls on phosphorus cycling in two lowland streams. Part 2–the sediment phase." Science of the Total Environment.
Evans, R. (2012). "Reconnaissance surveys to assess sources of diffuse pollution in rural catchments in East Anglia, eastern England–implications for policy." Water and Environment Journal.
Fairley, I., I. Masters, et al. (2016). Numerical modelling of storm and surge events on offshore sandbanks, Elsevier.
Farquharson, F., M. Beran, et al. (2015). "6 Water Resources Security." Progress in Modern ….
Faulkner, D., T. Kjeldsen, et al. (2012). Estimating flood peaks and hydrographs for small catchments: phase 1,
Fausch, K. (2007). "Introduction, establishment and effects of non‐native salmonids: considering the risk of rainbow trout invasion in the United Kingdom." Journal of Fish Biology.
Finch, J., R. Hall, et al. (2004). The hydrological impacts of energy crop production in the UK. Final report,
Finkelman, P. (2010). "Why Access to Water Rights Was Never a'Right': Historical Perspectives on American Water Law." Williamette Journal of International Law and Dispute ….
Flavin, R. (1994). Dgener8-user guide and manual version 1.0,
Fleig, A., L. Tallaksen, et al. (2011). "Regional hydrological drought in north‐western Europe: linking a new Regional Drought Area Index with weather types." Hydrological ….
Fleig, A., L. Tallaksen, et al. (2010). "Inter-comparison of weather and circulation type classifications for hydrological drought development." … of the Earth, Parts A/B/C.
Fleming, G. (2002). Flood risk management: learning to live with rivers,
Fleming, S. (2014). "A non-uniqueness problem in the identification of power-law spectral scaling for hydroclimatic time series." Hydrological Sciences Journal.
Fobert, E., G. Zięba, et al. (2013). "Predicting non‐native fish dispersal under conditions of climate change: case study in England of dispersal and establishment of pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus in a …." … of Freshwater Fish.
Folland, C., J. Hannaford, et al. (2014). Multi-annual droughts in the English Lowlands: a review of their characteristics and climate drivers in the winter half year, Citeseer.
Folland, C., J. Hannaford, et al. (2015). "Multi-annual droughts in the English Lowlands: a review of their characteristics and climate drivers in the winter half-year." Hydrology and Earth ….
Foster, G., R. Chiverrell, et al. (2009). "Fluvial development and the sediment regime of the lower Calder, Ribble catchment, northwest England." Catena.
Foulds, S., H. Griffiths, et al. (2014). "Geomorphological records of extreme floods and their relationship to decadal-scale climate change." Geomorphology.
Foulds, W. and M. Lucas (2013). "Extreme inefficiency of two conventional, technical fishways used by European river lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis)." Ecological engineering.
Fox, C., P. McCloghrie, et al. (2009). "Potential transport of plaice eggs and larvae between two apparently self-contained populations in the Irish Sea." Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.
Fox, C., P. McCloghrie, et al. (2006). "The importance of individual behaviour for successful settlement of juvenile plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.): a modelling and field study in the eastern Irish Sea." Fisheries ….
Franco-Villoria, M., E. Scott, et al. (2011). Conditional probability of flood risk in Scotland,
Franco-Villoria, M., M. Scott, et al. Spatio-temporal study of Scottish rivers using wavelet analysis.
French, C., J. French, et al. (2000). "Sedimentation–erosion dynamics of abandoned reclamations: the role of waves and tides." Continental Shelf Research.
French, J., H. Burningham, et al. (2008). "Tidal and meteorological forcing of suspended sediment flux in a muddy mesotidal estuary." Estuaries and Coasts.
FROM, G. Project Extension 1–Practical methodology for assessment GES for impoundments.
Fry, M. and O. Swain (2010). Hydrological data management systems within a national river flow archive,
Fung, F., G. Watts, et al. (2013). "Using large climate ensembles to plan for the hydrological impact of climate change in the freshwater environment." Water resources ….
Futter, M., M. Erlandsson, et al. (2013). "PERSiST: the precipitation, evapotranspiration and runoff simulator for solute transport." Hydrology & Earth ….
Futter, M., M. Erlandsson, et al. (2014). "PERSiST: a flexible rainfall-runoff modelling toolkit for use with the INCA family of models." … and Earth System ….
Gao, J., J. Holden, et al. (2016). "The impact of land‐cover change on flood peaks in peatland basins." Water Resources Research.
Garbe, J., L. Beevers, et al. Valuing the effect of freshwater over-abstraction on fish species.
Garner, G., A. V. Loon, et al. (2015). "Hydroclimatology of extreme river flows." Freshwater ….
GAULD, N. (2014). The behavioural ecology of migratory salmonids in the River Tweed, UK,
Gauld, N., R. Campbell, et al. (2013). "Reduced flow impacts salmonid smolt emigration in a river with low-head weirs." Science of the total environment.
Geris, J., D. Tetzlaff, et al. (2015). "Conceptual modelling to assess hydrological impacts and evaluate environmental flow scenarios in montane river systems regulated for hydropower." River Research and ….
Ghimire, S. and G. Jones (2014). "Restoration of a gauging weir to aid fish passage." Journal of Hydro-environment Research.
Giles, J. (2011). Science information strategy: stake holder consultation phase 1 report, public version: February 2011,
Giustarini, L., M. Chini, et al. (2015). Flood hazard mapping combining hydrodynamic modeling and multi annual remote sensing data,
Gosling, S., E. Lewis, et al. The effects of future land-cover change on UK river flows.
Gourgue, O. (2011). Finite element modeling of sediment dynamics in the Scheldt,
Gourgue, O., R. Comblen, et al. (2009). "A flux-limiting wetting–drying method for finite-element shallow-water models, with application to the Scheldt Estuary." Advances in Water ….
Gozzard, E., W. Mayes, et al. (2011). "Seasonal and spatial variation of diffuse (non-point) source zinc pollution in a historically metal mined river catchment, UK." Environmental Pollution.
Grant, S. and M. Robinson PLYNLIMON HYDROMETRIC REVIEW 2009.
Grant, S. and M. Robinson (2010). Plynlimon Hydrometric Review 2009, with special reference to the decade 2000-2009,
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    The transformation of water services that began with the privatisation of water companies in 1989 extended to households with the implementation of water metering. Meters 'privatised' water and the cost of provision by allocating to individual households costs that had previously been shared within the community. This (ongoing) conversion of common pool good to private good has mostly improved economic, environmental and social impacts, but the potential burden of metering on poorer households has slowed the transition. Stronger anti-poverty programmes would be better at addressing this poverty barrier than existing coping mechanisms reliant on subsidies from other water consumers.

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