Submitted by Katie Muchan on
We have made a number of updates to the NRFA website and gauging station pages designed to improve your experience when using the NRFA website. As always, if you have any feedback please let us know by emailing
The search page has been updated and now boasts an easier to use filtering system (click the filter button in the bottom left of the map) with new searchable metadata (including whether stations have live data or are in the UK Benchmark Network). A number of metadata columns can be added to the table and which can then be exported from the website as a CSV file using the link below the table. When you click on individual gauging stations on the map, you can now choose to show or hide the catchment boundary and there is also a new ‘zoom to my location’ feature so you can find your closest gauging stations! A larger suite of catchment descriptors has also been added in searchable columns on the search page and on each peak flow data page. The full list available here.