The first full version of the WINFAP-FEH data files (version 1.1) were released on 1 August 2005 under the HiFlows-UK Project. The HiFlows-UK dataset superseded the FEH Flood Peak Dataset provided with Volume 3 of the Flood Estimation Handbook (Institute of Hydrology, 1999). Since 2004 a number of subsequent updates to the data files have been released. A more detailed history of the national peak flow dataset can be found below.

Previous version release notes:

Version 12: NRFA Peak Flow Dataset - note on version 12 [PDF, 1.05 MB]

Version 12 of the NRFA Peak Flow Dataset files represents the ninth major update to the dataset under the NRFA. This update sees an additional water year for all active peak flow stations in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, up to the end of September 2023. It also includes a Period of Record Review of data and metadata for 89 stations in the UK. Released on 12th September 2023.

Version 11.1: NRFA Peak Flow Dataset - note on version 11.1 [PDF, 0.6 MB]

Version 11.1 of the NRFA Peak Flow Dataset files represents a minor update to version 11 of the database (see release note below). This update sees the addition of FEH2022 DDF data, one suitability change and one station number change. Released on 6th March 2023.

Version 11: NRFA Peak Flow Dataset - note on version 11 [PDF, 2.6 MB]

Version 11 of the NRFA Peak Flow Dataset files represents the eighth major update to the dataset under the NRFA. This update sees an additional water year for all active peak flow stations in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, up to the end of September 2021. It also includes a Period of Record Review of data and metadata for 100 stations in the UK. Released on 7th September 2022.

Version 10: NRFA Peak Flow Dataset - note on version 10 [PDF, 2.56 MB]

Version 10 of the NRFA Peak Flow Dataset files represents the seventh major update to the dataset under the NRFA. This update sees an additional water year for all active peak flow stations in the UK, up to the end of September 2020. It also includes period-of-record review of data and metadata for 94 stations in the UK. Released on 27th August 2021.

Version 9: NRFA Peak Flow Dataset - note on version 9 [PDF, 1.2 MB]

Version 9 of the NRFA Peak Flow Dataset files represents the sixth major update to the dataset under the NRFA. This update sees an additional water year for all active peak flow stations in the UK, up to the end of September 2019 and provisional data for water year 2019/2020 at stations which set new records. It also includes period-of-record review of data and metadata for 143 stations in the UK. Released on 24th September 2020.

Version 8: NRFA Peak Flow Dataset - note on version 8 [PDF, 1.2 MB]

Version 8 of the NRFA Peak Flow Dataset files represents the fifth major update to the dataset under the NRFA. This update sees an additional water year for all active peak flow stations in the UK, up to the end of September 2018. It also includes period-of-record review of data and metadata for 162 stations in the UK.

Version 7: NRFA Peak Flow Dataset - note on version 7 [PDF, 843 KB]

Released in October 2018 of the NRFA Peak Flow Dataset files represents the fourth major update to the dataset under the NRFA. This update sees an additional water year for all active peak flow stations in the UK, up to the end of September 2017. It also includes period-of-record review of data and metadata for 153 stations in the UK. 

Version 6: NRFA peak flow dataset - note on version 6 [PDF, 1.2 MB]

Released in February 2018, version 6 of the NRFA peak flow dataset represent the third major update to the dataset under the NRFA. This update sees an additional water year for stations in England and Northern Ireland up to the end of September 2016, one water year for a subset of stations in Scotland (those that undertook the period of record review in the version 5 release) and an update of two water years in Wales.

Version 5: NRFA peak flow dataset - note on version 5 [PDF, 574KB]

Released in April 2017, version 5 the NRFA peak flow dataset represent the second major update to the dataset under the NRFA. This update sees an additional water year for stations in England and Northern Ireland up to the end of September 2015, and a full period of record review for a subset of stations in Wales and Scotland. Version 5 also includes updated FEH catchment descriptors. 

Version 4.1: NRFA peak flow dataset - note on version 4.1 [PDF, 184KB]

Released in May 2016, version 4.1 of the NRFA peak flow dataset represent an amendment to Version 4. The changes made in this version affect the flow data at stations categorised as ‘POT excluded’ only. There are no other changes to the data files since Version 4. For the most recent list of major changes (e.g. to flow data and station suitability) users should refer to the release note for Version 4. 

Version 4: NRFA peak flow dataset - note on version 4 [PDF, 579 KB]

Released in May 2016, version 4 of the NRFA peak flow dataset represent the first major update to the dataset under the NRFA. A large number of changes has been made from version 3.3.4 and the dataset includes data up to 30 September 2014 (end of water year 2013/2014). Stations in Scotland were not updated in version 4.

Version 3.3.4: NRFA peak flow dataset - note on version 3.3.4 [PDF, 84 KB]

Released in August 2014, version 3.3.4 of the NRFA peak flow dataset represents the first export direct from the NRFA's peak flow data holdings. This is a minor update from v3.3.2 to correct identified errors in the final HiFlows-UK data release. No records were extended during this update.

Version 3.3.2: HiFlows-UK - note on version 3.3.2 [PDF, 166KB]

Released in April 2014, HiFlows-UK version 3.3.2 data forms the basis of the peak flow data available on the NRFA. The dataset contains data to 30 September 2012 (end of water year 2011/2012). Stations in Scotland (SEPA), were not updated in HiFlows-UK version 3.3.2.

Version 3.1.2: HiFlows-UK - note on version 3.1.2 [PDF, 227 KB]

Released in December 2011, HiFlows-UK version 3.1.2 contained data to 30 September 2009 (end of water year 2008/2009). V3.1.2 contains corrections, but no other changes from V3.1.1. It contained corrected catchment centroid and FPEXT values for stations in Northern Ireland and a correction to the peaks-over-threshold (.pt) file for 22003. 

Version 3.1.1: HiFlows-UK - note on version 3.1.1 [PDF, 226KB]

Released in November 2010, HiFlows-UK version 3.1.1 contained data to 30 September 2009 (end of water year 2008/2009). However, the exceptional events in Cumbria in November 2009 were included in the annual maxima series at 26 stations. Stations in Scotland (SEPA) were not updated as part of HiFlows-UK v3.1.1, and data for these stations ended in September 2006.

Version 3.02: HiFlows-UK - note on version 3.02 [PDF, 232KB]

Released in November 2009, HiFlows-UK version 3.02 contained data to 30 September 2008 (end of water year 2007/2008). No update was made to data from stations in Scotland.

Version 2.2.1: HiFlows-UK - note on version 2.2.1 [PDF, 116KB]

Released in October 2008, HiFlows-UK version 2.2.1 contained data to 30 September 2006 (end of water year 2005/2006).

Version 2.2: HiFlows-UK - note on version 2.2 [PDF, 115KB]

Released in May 2008, HiFlows-UK version 2.2 contained data to 30 September 2006 (end of water year 2005/2006).

Version 1.1:

Released in August 2005, HiFlows-UK version 1.1 contained data to 30 September 2003 (end of water year 2002/2003).