The NRFA provides access to its peak flow data holdings in a format suitable for direct use in WINFAP software. The ZIP file linked below contains files for AMAX, POT and catchment descriptors.
Please be aware that data contained in these files may differ from those data which are displayed on the station pages on the NRFA website. The NRFA Peak Flow Dataset is updated when a significant number of changes have been applied to the dataset. Find out when new files are available by subscribing to our newsletter and following us on Twitter and LinkedIn.
There are separate files for each data type:
- .am Annual maxima (AMAX)
- .pt Peaks over Threshold (POT)
- .xml Catchment Descriptors (for WINFAP 5 software)
- .cd3 Catchment Descriptors (for WINFAP 3 software and WINFAP 4 software)
- .cd2 Catchment Descriptors (for WINFAP 2 software)