For all stations, the following data types are available to view and download dynamically from the website.
From the Search Data page, you can access each station page.
Gauged daily flows
Full period of record daily flow datasets for all our daily flow gauging stations throughout the UK are available for download directly from the NRFA website. When browsing the NRFA gauging station pages, users need to click ‘Download flow data’ on the ‘Daily Flow Data’ tab of each station page in order to download the data. Each gauging station page also features ‘Station Info’ which provides summary information that should be considered when analysing the data.
View details of data types and formats.
Catchment daily rainfall
The Catchment Daily Rainfall dataset is available for all our daily flow gauging stations throughout the UK are available from the NRFA website. When browsing the NRFA gauging station pages, users need to click ‘Download catchment daily rainfall data’ on the ‘Daily Flow Data’ tab of each station page in order to download the data. Each gauging station page also features ‘Station Info’ which provides summary information that should be considered when analysing the data.
View details of data types and formats.
Peak flows
Time series of peak flow data for use with WINFAP-FEH (including, AMAX, POT and associated catchment descriptors) are available to download. Details of the file types and how to use the files in WINFAP-FEH are also included.