Time series of daily measured river flows form the basis of National River Flow Archive information holdings. Gauged river flows at points on the river network across Great Britain and Northern Ireland are archived at a national level. View an outline of how river flows are measured and hydrometry in the UK.

NRFA data holdings are referenced to the location of river flow measurement, known as a gauging station. Read about an outline of the UK gauging station network. River flow data held on the NRFA originate from gauging stations operated by a range of Measuring Authorities.

The NRFA collates records of the daily mean flow (otherwise known as, Gauged Daily Flows). A variety of additional river flow time series, derived data and calculated flow statistics are also available for some gauging stations.

Other sources of river flow data

High resolution river flow data

The National River Flow Archive is principally an archive of daily mean and peak river flow data. Higher resolution river flows (commonly measured at 15 minute intervals) may be available from the relevant measuring authority. Users should consult the NRFA gauging station information which gives details of the measuring authority operating each gauging station. It should be noted that for some stations (particularly those that have closed) high resolution historical data may not be available. Some hydrometric flow data may also be available from commercial water companies for privately operated channels and water resources installations.

International river flow data

The National River Flow Archive services many of the UK's international commitments on hydrological data and works in close partnership with organisations that maintain international river flow data holdings. Further information about such databases can be found at: